Perfect for Non-Profits, Community Groups & Schools of any size

Vega, the leader in Charity Raffles
Imagine all your promotion, communications, ticketing, delivery, receipting & lottery management in one platform?
That is the power of Vega tuned to and configured for Charity Raffles. Close integration to financial systems, communications systems, payment systems, satisfaction surveys and Vega’s unique workflow engine, provides the complete breakthrough platform for anyone seeking to run a successful charity raffle.
Vega is firstly an engagement engine. That means you can continuously survey or chat¹ with your contacts and lottery participants. Use the opportunities that Vega provides to do promotions and upgrades.
Using Vega Targeting and Communications engine, you can reach any audience by mail, email, SMS or even WhatsApp/Messenger.
Vega is a flexible, scalable and effective one-stop-shop for Lottery Managers.
Vega for Contact Care Staff
Vega starts in your website with as many dialogues, event, campaign or lottery options as you need. All web transactions are processed, updated, receipted and can even have post-transaction follow-up built around Vega’s Workflow and Survey engine.
Vega Desktop lets you access lottery participants, segment participants, process or re-print receipts, maintain a complete contact purchase and service history. All this in one easy to use platform.
Process volume data in batches or one-off transactions easily. See a comprehensive record of all your interactions with any contact.
Import large datasets from external data sources through Vega Import Templates.
Vega provides you with full control to profile participant preferences, filters and interests.

Vega for Communications and Marketing Staff
Imagine being able to communicate to any segment of your database, with a full rich history, without compromise or the need to synchronise between platforms.
Vega delivers –
- Fully integrated document management including advanced design and personalisation of content
- Rules base document content (If-then-else) to allow for targeted variable content
- Personalised communications across all common channels (email, letters, SMS, WhatsApp and Messenger)
- Advanced and comprehensive analytics covering delivery, opens, calls-to-action
- Full unsubscribe exit survey
- Address lookup and validation available through Australia POST², New Zealand Post or Google Maps
- Unique intelligent landing pages in YOUR website that combine fully customisable dialogues, with personalisation, post-transaction surveys and marketing automation that provide follow-up engagement opportunities and pathways.²
Vega for Financials Staff
Using low cost XERO® as a bridge to your bank account through Vega, gives you complete access to your online statements. You can use XERO® as your accounting system or not, but Vega with XERO® gives you a complete framework for importing and processing direct credits or recurring payments! Don’t spend time downloading, importing and reconciling, Vega eliminates the need.
Vega provides posting files and where possible, API integration to all major accounting systems.
Vega integrates to most common payment gateways and recommends STRIPE®
All transactions, whether through web dialogues or desktop processing, are coded to an appropriate general ledger and campaign code.
Vega’s recurring Payment Manager makes it easy to process and receive recurring payments. Annual or one-off receipting is also available.
Process, receipt and acknowledge large volumes of transactions with ease through Vega Batch Manager.
1– Available 2nd Qtr 2020
2– May be subject to provider charges
3– Vega EI or Vega Engagement Intelligence is the flagship Vega edition containing all modules and features of Vega.