About Vega
Vega empowers you!
We understand the challenges charities and not-for-profits face
Vega is built on world class technology and decades of fundraising, marketing and communications experience gained across the world. Vega is a unique blend of practitioner led design with outstanding engineering and total commitment to this sector.
Vega’s kaupapa or founding principle is to give any social organisations of any size the very best tools and technology they need to promote and achieve their mission.
Our mission is to empower charities and community organizations by giving them the ability to manage and engage with their supporters quickly, efficiently and effectively.
Vega’s nonprofit and charity management software has the best fundraising, eCommerce and workflow tools with great engagement technologies and analytics all built in.
There is no need for third party tools, but if you want them you can integrate them.
Vega brings the very best technology to social organizations everywhere, at a subscription price they can afford
Vega is a fundraising and social outreach platform built around a core team of experienced fundraisers working with world class developers from New Zealand, Europe and the US.
Combining workflow automation, supporter engagement, campaign and financial management from your website to your back office, Vega changes what is possible and brings you a highly accessible and usable fundraising platform.
If you are currently using other software, Vega will help transform your organisation by saving you money and making work easier.
Contact sales and have a chat with us now.

Meet Our Founder
Tony Lindsay
Founder and CEO at vega works
Hello, I’m Tony Lindsay, founder and CEO at vega works.
In a long career I’ve had the opportunity to work around the world for some of the largest and most innovative campaigning and fundraising organizations. I’ve seen and learned some wonderful techniques for how to reach out, get your message to people and engage them so that they support you.
I’ve always wanted to create a platform that would allow even the smallest community and social service group, anywhere in the world, to reach out to their supporters and members in an engaging way. I wanted to empower them by bringing them the very best features and technology at a subscription price they can afford.
That is what vega is and that is what vega realises. Vega is a one-stop shop for all engagement and management of your supporters, your members, your subscribers.